The Last Landscape / Lau Chi Chung
The ending of a story or movie forms readers’ and audiences’ final impression of what they have read, seen or heard. The places presented in this series indicate the final moment of different stories in daily lives.
All these scenes, or the last landscape as I call them, can be seen in most fast-paced cities like Hong Kong. The castoff paintings were found in different locations in Hong Kong. People who were once surrounded by the painting may see it as a getaway from their hectic lives. The clashing of the painting and its surroundings allows me to run wild with my imagination on the stories behinds the structures. People move on with their lives and the painting is now desolated was once meant excitements.
The last chapters I selected do not have any audience but a missing cast. Photography tells stories without sounds, but silence worth a thousand words.
I am drawn to these kinds of scenery. Hong Kong is a place where people can hardly keep up their memories about this city. Nothing is impermanent and everything could be transitional in Hong Kong. Various scenes of The Last Landscape are currently being played out in Hong Kong and we are all the participants in this ceremony.