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異色眾生 Variety of Beings 

2024.12.28 – 2025.02.09 

開幕: 2025年1月5日,星期日,16:30 

藝術家分享會: 2025年1月5日,星期日,14:30 




開放時間:星期二至日 11:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00,逢星期一休館(公眾假期除外) 


異色眾生 Variety of Beings 

作為一個異性戀常態同時獲得精神病診斷的殘疾女性,羅雪寶進入跨性別群體並策劃了一項攝影企劃,運用攝影與跨性別群體建立聯繫,學習 ta 們的知識與文化。透過攝影與訪問,她記錄了跨性別人士的生命旅程。企劃期間,羅氏以攝影作為方法,深入探討跨性別人士面對二元性別廁所的困擾、ta 們個人的身體抉擇和性別表達形式、身份政治的參與,以及邊緣群體中的年輕人在社會污名化影響下,自殺問題日益嚴重。 




As a heteronormative woman with a disability who has also been diagnosed with a mental illness, Kathleen Lo embarked on a photography project within the transgender community. She established connections with the transgender community through photography, learning about their knowledge and culture. She documented the life journeys of transgender individuals through both photography and interviews. Using photography as her methodology, Kathleen delved deeply into the challenges trans-gender individuals face with binary gendered restrooms, their personal bodily choices and gender expressions, their participation in identity politics, and the increasing issue of suicide among young people in marginalized communities under social stigma. 

Transgender gender dysphoria cannot be equal to mental illness, but the mental stress that transgender people has been shouldering definitely needs the society’s understanding and attention. 

This series of photographs not only captures the cultural expressions of the trans-gender community and the rigid binary social system, but also intertwines with Kathleen’s personal spiritual experiences that contributed to her own mental illness diagnosis stigma. The foreign spaces she experienced alone may never be validated in this world; yet, who can definitively deny the countless possibilities among millions of living beings? 

In this world, life is inherently diverse and varied. Inside and outside the lens, who 

can truly be deemed “normal”? 




Self-baked photographer since 2020, Kathleen has been using photography as a tool to explore cultural knowledge of marginalised communities. Artworks include photography, poetry, writings, experimental music and videos. Initiated the two-year art publication project “Variety of Beings” in 2023 and successfully executed interviews and portrait photo shootings for 20 Transgender people in Hong Kong. Her work has been shortlisted in Cross All Borders 2024 : Hong Kong Competition Showcasing New Visual Artist with Disabilities and selected as finalist for Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards 2024. 

Supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council